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Jul 24

I met Cindy Adams at Wells Fargo Bank on East 18th at #rd ave near Lake Merit, Oakland  just around the corner from where I lived. on First avenue. 1976

I was Working for Mosler Hermmann safe at the time.So Wels Fargo was a customer.

I flirted with her lightly she was tall and beautiful she looked Asian but with a darker complexion.

I asked her out,

We dated .

I remembered her asking what I thought her ethnic background was. I guesses Latina or Asian. She smiled and said  "no I'm Chippewa"

I remember visitng her apartment and meeting her brother , He  seemed normal nice but very large.

(note for later Terry White Lawrence lab also Chippewa)

We were getting along and enjoying each others company, I was apparently feeling like being a couple my attitude was " ready for somethign serious"

"Cindy Adams" keeps coming back from my memory. Chippewa woman who I knew jus before Donna. in fact I met Donna at Cindy's birthday party. Cindy was tall beautiful and smart. but definitely liked to party.

At her birthday paarty I understood that she and me were couple. but She hardly talked to me and wa dancing with all the other guys. I thought" Fine Cindy , looked arond and lo and behold i started dancing with Donna.
So we broke up and Donna and me were together for a couple years .
Every few years I would see Cindy casually as Friends. I tried to talk to her and counsel her and point her to positive directions.
Several years later Cindy was living in a crppy little place in the Ghetto. she came to my house and confessedhow she always loved me and was so sorry .. But I had heard so many of her sad stories and watched her deterioriate. (Drugs and Alcohol) she was not so beautiful anymor and smelled bad.
I was younger and more hot headed. I said If you Loved me why did you act the way you did? Just so sad to see Beautiful people with such potential flush themselveds down th drain. Cindy scould well have become a very successful Acountant or book keeper. Had she ben able to be faithful and true she coudl have actually supported a relationship.
I have to say that for some reason when I read your posts I hear echoes of Cindy. Cindy's path led to homelesseness and oblivion loss of he kids and her dignity. The opposite of the "path with heart". What path are you on? Spirits from beyond and those on this plane are asking you the same question.

Dorothy you have always had the power to go home , just click your heels together and say "There is no place like home"

Apr 24

Susan Laurer 1984

Susan was a woman I met at LBL , Never got to know a lot about her, she was fairly private. however she did have friends at eh SF Zoo and got us in for Breakfast withthe PAndas. Quite an exclusive experience to have a private showing.

My Son enjoyed it.too.




San Francisco is no stranger to panda-mania.

The City by the Bay went ape for two giant pandas shown at the San Francisco Zoo for three months in 1984.

Mar 24

Suzy Shultz

1969 Theater family

Last time I visited her adn her son was in Yreka , hot summer. Her son Aaron was about 12

Suzy was perceived to be the  wilder of the two sisters ( my impression )  She married John Curl and they had a son Arron. It is  rumored that Ron Smith another manager at the theater was romantically involved.

Ron Smith

Ron was engaged to the daughter of the owner of Sun Valley Ford so any funny business was hush hush

Mar 24

I returned to Oakland in Mid 1974 I got together with Jim Anderson who had also had a wreck on his bike, broke his pelvis.

and I learned that Bob had perished in a car crash (low speed as a passenger) I was very  sad, I made a personal commitment to remember bob and to mention him at any gathering of our friends  Bob's dad was the pastor at eh Plymouth church on Oakland avenue.

Jim Anderson had a younger brother. (Robert) I think. One day I was at my Apartment on 1516 1sat avenue Talking with Jim, both of us recovering from or MC wrecks when Robert came over and asked if He could Buy Jim's Motorcycle , Jim refused  telling his he did not think he was a safe enough driver , Robert asked me if I would sell my wrecked Norton. I said I no longer had it, it was junked and not repairable.   I mentioned that I thought Bob's Yamaha was probably at Bob's dad's house.  Robert called Bob's father and offered to buy the motorcycle Well Robert bought the motorcycle and I heard that he was killed on it in a high speed crash in Fremont. I felt so terrible and wished I had kept my mouth shut. Jim sank deep into sadness and  seemed to drop from the circle of friends.   I saw  Jim Once in the late 80's and tried to keep in touch but it just did not happen, Jim gets his own article , he was a true friend.

Jim and I decidesd to rent an apartment together right out off High School. I woirked at the theater and Jim worked  as a bussboy at Biff's a reataraunt at Broadway at 27th.


Billy TAylor (low life) 32 auto colt stolen newpaper article

Ron Smith Lost and found.

Pot harvest 3 AM backpacks full of Pot motorcycle

Jim liked VW bugs  he alos had an old mercedes

Jim shared

Jim worked the close of the restaraunt around midnight he came home I was back from work about to go to bed, Jim Came home with a girl wait no two girls he introduced me to his girlfriends Friend who was very sweet  Yes it was that sort of night and I was quite grateful to Jim . I don't remember her name but she was very nice.



Mar 24

Scott Flores.
Scott lived on Magnolia. about a block lower then Jim Anderson,
 I think I met him through Jim and Bob R
In any event we seemed to hit it off, Scott was handy with tools and automotive stuff. Definitely had hobbies that fascinated me radio controlled Helicopters and planes .
Scott took me sailing on his Cal 20 in the bay , cementing my love for sailing.

Scott sold me my MGA  A great classic British sports car , While I was employed this care was definitely for someone with greater means. Very expensive to keep running.
While our friendship developed over time I was  closer to Jim Anderson. and Bob R
Scott had a cute girlfriend Courtney Turman. Who had an awful brother Brad Turman.
Courtney was Scott's girl and they seemed bound together. I'll have to ask Scott what happened to separate them,I never knew.
Scott and me are still friends and we have been through a lot together over the decades
He is in New Mexico and I miss seeing him, I need to take a trip and visit.
I think we had some sense of competition over the years but it was never conflicting.
Our business dealings have always seemed fair to me.
Scott has some personality assets which I just never had.  A better communicator I think.
I have some complimentary talents which he has less of. I'm comfortable with it.  
I tried to get him some training in systems analysis.
I spoke to the professor and asked how he was doing? He said Scott does as well as he can but what you need to understand is that You have a talent for this and not everyone has it. This helped me to understand and gain some perspective on what I brought to the table.
 In 1990 +/- Scott and me reconnected at the Quarter pounder restaurant on Grand and Boulevard way  this after over 15 years of lost contact,
Quite a coincidence.
Anyway we rekindled our friendship and Scott and Scott's dad Dave welcomed me into the family and Introduced me to the Yacht club. I had purchased my Islander 30 and loved to sail. This was one of the things Scott introduced me to in High School.
One funny incident
In 1997 I married Natasha
Scott had gotten a  Divorce from  his wife Maureen who i liked but clearly they were not  a great fit. Divorces are never pleasant  this one did not seem as bad as some others.
In any event some time later Scott  called me up and invited me to a party  to meet his new girlfriend.
I remember walking up to the front door of the house in the Fruitvale area. The door opened and Woah there is Alma Peterson .... Alma and me had worked together at Lawrence Berkeley Lab in the late 70's Alma worked in the  photo lab and I was an electrical specialist. While  I liked Alma it was mostly our common like for Mustang cars that connected us. She had a Red Coupe and I had a 69 Mach one.  We often had Lunch together at Building 6
We had pleasant chats and talked about cars and her plans to eventually move to Alaska. I thought it was brave and admirable.
So Imagine my Surprise when she met me at the door . Imagine the Look Scott gave me when he realized I knew Alma for many years before he met her.
I am glad that our relationship had always been platonic it made all things less  complicated.
Scott and Aama were married and are still Married.
Scott has always been there to help when i needed him, I have always been willing to help him whenever he needed me.
It's a friendship that perhaps we both take for granted .. I often miss our adventures together.

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