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Mar 24

Joan Woodburry Sacramento 1973  sporadically to present

The angels of recovery

I was recovering from my serious Motorcycle accident  , After several months I was able to use crutches and  try to walk. My goal was to increase or double my efforts daily. Day one make it to the front gate and back Day two out of the gate adn down the block and back. within a couple weeks i was hobbling around the block.  Apparently my walks got the attention of the two firls living in a Old Sacramento bungalow style house. we smiled and greeted each other. One was Georgia  a nice looking brunette Social chit chat war stories  how did you get hurt ?

We made friends and it felt good they were my age Georgia's roomate was Joan woodbury.  

I begane to spend more time withthem and becasme romantically involved with Georgia.

We only had fun but there was not an intense connection. One thing I remember was Georgia saying "Promise you will never forget me" well Georgia whereever you are I did not and never will forget you. I carried a little leather lace until it  disintegrated but I never forgot her.

So during our times together we oftern spent time with  Joan and her boyfriend.  after some time I noticed Joan and Joan noticed me and  there was some passion there. Joan and her boyfriend broke up. and  in some very civila and friendly manner Georgis effectively passed me over to Joan.

Joan had a light blue Volkswagon beetle adn a dog anmed "treebark"

I began to spend a lot of time with Joan, she introduced me to her family and I felt quite attratected to and loving to her.

I was sstill traumatized by my MC accident and focused on healing. I felt like I was in my right group of people my age  similar interests different than the time with Cindy which was  deeper and  spiritually educational. This group with Joan was  more simple young adults Pop music and  age appropriate dramas.

Joan and I would spend time at the American river hang outs  river beaches.  warm autum sun. I don't rememgber what Joan was doing for work.

One afternoon at teh beach we had a memorable time because while we were relaxing on th ebeach her dog Treebakr wandered up the river and  found a large accumulation of dead and decaying salmon which ran that river. When Treebark came back she had rolled in the dead Salmon and then in the sand creating a thich coating of dead salmon and sand . This was the consistency of asphalt. THe Smell was the  worst thig I had ever smelled. and we had a 30 minute drive back home on a hot afternoon in the Volkswagon bug. I remember literally driving with my head out of the passenger window becaeus it was unberable in the car.

We laughed about that.

Also I remember a  female friend of theirs who we met at some gathering . She was a very attractive blond. who was  also a single mother. She was a stripper and  was being exploited.Meeting her  impacted me so I really never saw  Strippers in the same way and avoided situatioins wher e they were   I did not go to strip clubs or bars wher these women were being exploited.

 When I was sufficiently recovered I retrned to Oakland where I got the apartment on 1516 1st ave. Joan and I stayed connected and she would often visit me. I had met some new friends  one of whom was Paul Katrosek,  Paul will get his own page , entrpreneurial survivor.

THe last TIme I had dinenr with  Joan was at the Wind jammer restaraunt in MOnterrey, I was workign for Mosler at the time and  she was  off on her own road.



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