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May 24

Joe Williams Jerry Guggemos Perry Mejia

Speed reading



Working Theater  made Day school affordable


Mar 24

Parents Divorce and lots of moves, unstable emotional times.

We moved to 3201 Y st Sacramento.

Mom was stressed and life was poor. she was making little money and things had not settled.

Christmas Montgomery ward Lucky find.

Found a coinpurs with $40.00 in it. MAde Christmass a lot more interestign thant he $12.00 I had saved up.

THe Local School was Sutter Junior HIgh on Alhambra Blvd, very close to Sutters fort.

Sacramento is the state capitol and it was new and fascinating.

Sutter was a modern school

They had a career fair  which I thought was very intereting.

I was only in this school for a few months since Dad and Mom were fighting and I wound up back in Berkeley and communting back to Aptos.

I remember commuting to San Francisco with dad, this was when the Hump appeared on the Bay bridge near the east side of the Treasure Island  Tunnel.

I purchased my copy of yesterday and today a beatles album which turned out to be collectible. since it has the Paste over cover.

Purchased at Tower records on Broadway 16'th st./

Still have it.



Mar 24

1962 summer age 8-9

One of my favorite summer classes was Galileo HS electronics. class

I remember the adventure of  traveling crosstown on foggy summer mornings. Crisp with my bus pass. full of anticipation.

I made a carbon battery and a crystal AM radio.

Also made a small electric motor.

Simple series circuits.

This was inspirational.


Mar 24

Aptos Jr High

I went here for 7th grade 

I remember the  Double dogs and Potato Salad for lunches

The Dean of Boys  the memorable Mr. DIetz

Disoverd a nice Girl to have lunch with and talk abou the new series Star Trek.

The San Francisco Hippie scene was just in int's infancy

School here was disrupted by Family divorce and mom moving to Sacramento.


Mar 24

I spent several summers as a docent at the Randall junior museum


We had Many larger Mammals Birds raptors  and reptiles. 

Some were on display  and others were being rehabilitated.

As par tof my docent duties i was tasked to feed and water the vivarium.

This  was an area on the north side in the basement. We got a donation of several dozen white rats and mice which we kept in wire cages . Over a period of several months  I watched an interesting effect. the Mice and rats bred prodigiously. We kept adding food and water and they always had plenty , What I noticed is that as the population reached a level of overcrowding  I noticed behavior changes which were disturbing.  They started to engage in homosexual acts and then the they started cannibalizing each other.

 I was able to work with some of our Raptors who we were rehabilitationg this was great. I was able to use a glove and fly the red tailed hawk indoors.  Let a rat go at tehend of the hall and send the hawk after it. Wow!

I still have a Napkin holder I made ther. I was able to learnand work with so many media. even took a taxidermy class.

 We had some  Alligators and large Boa constrictors. . I was allowed to take the Alligators out in the morning to sun but never to take them back in since they were very fast when warm and lethargic when cold. The Boas were fairly large and very strong .

This was one of my Favoorite places for Summer classes.


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